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2019-03-01 22:21:00 来源: 搜狐 作者:
摘要: 原标题:华为离职外籍员工力挺孟晚舟:从未听说华为有任何不当行为






关于华为,关于孟晚舟.....近日,IBM早起顾问、曾负责华为供应链和研发大型变革项目的外籍人士Joseph Smith,在华为心声社区上,发表了个人对孟晚舟事件的看法。

以下是Joseph Smith中英文全文:


With these types of allegations about Huawei, I want to share my insight based on my 20 years consulting to and working with Huawei and focus a little on Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou.


While working in IBM, I first came to Huawei in the late nineties helping to lead their most significant transformation projects in supply chain and R&D. These were massive projects involving hundreds of consultants over many years.


Nearly ten years later in 2008, Huawei invited all the consultants they had worked with for an awards party in Shenzhen.


Huawei wanted to launch another big transformation project called Integrated Financial Services (IFS). Like the previous projects, it would involve hundreds of the world's best finance management consultants and last eight years.


This project was led by Meng Wanzhou who is the CFO and daughter of Huawei's Founder Ren Zhengfei.


At the time of this project, I worked in Huawei's Transformation Project Management Office, where we managed all the consulting projects including IFS. Huawei was spending big, with all the world's leading management consultancies to improve their management systems and become world class.


To give you an idea how big IFS was. IFS involved 20 projects, including Opportunity to Cash, Procure to Payment, Project Accounting, General Ledger, Shared Services, Business Controls & Internal Audit, Reporting & Analysis (R&A), Treasury, Cost and Inventory. During the key project of the Integrated Deployment Solution 1 (IDS1) in Phase 1, 35 modules were optimized across 18 different IT systems. 170 million inventory records were brought into the new systems, and deployed across 170 countries.


More than 10million words were translated between English and Chinese in the IFS teams of the "IBMers" and "Huawei-ers".


These projects are a testament to the determination and professionalism of Meng Wanzhou and the teams involved.


Overall the ideas were simple but powerful: Increase transparency and visibility, make good decisions, and reduce corporate risk.


The last point should not be underestimated about Huawei. In my experience, Huawei is very active in terms of entering new markets and investment in R&D, while ["while at the same time avoiding any risks that might hurt the business, and taking particular care regarding customers"?]at the same time being entirely risk-averse on anything that might hurt the business, and with particular care about customers.


So, Meng Wanzhou is in Canada facing extradition to the United States based on Iran sanction allegations, which President Trump has said he might drop[Drop the allegations?] as part of a trade deal with China.


I don't know the specifics of the case, and like most other companies Huawei declines to comment on active legal cases. However, based on my 20 years of experience with them, I can't see it. I don't believe they would risk a 100-billion-dollar company by selling directly to Iran.


In my time there, I saw a group of individuals (leaders and management) who had done well, made their money, and still had a passion to build a company they could be proud of. I still see that today.


For the allegations about financing from the Chinese government, please check the official KPMG Annual Audit which is in the Annual reports on the Huawei website. You won't see any of the crazy big numbers that the media sometimes quotes.


While in Huawei, I met with thousands of Western employees and consultants, and like in most companies, the real conversations often happen over a cup of coffee. Not once did I hear of any wrongdoing or suspicious activity.


What I also see now, is geopolitics at hand. Also, I'm sorry to say it appears to be all from some parts of the United States Government.


I think that global cyber-security is too important to be made geopolitical. If it is made geopolitical, I believe that anyone who uses a smartphone, the internet or a computer is the ultimate loser.



This appears to be the agenda of some parts of the United States Government. The idea is: Throw out Huawei and everything will be safe. "…Trust me".

Alternatively, as reported this week from the US Secretary of State "We won't work with you unless you throw out Huawei". In other words "do what we say or else!"


From a cybersecurity perspective, attacking just one company based on geopolitics makes no sense. This approach would leave us praying a Hail Mary in the hope that other suppliers equipment is secure …and then accept all their products untested!

幸亏在英国还有一些比较冷静的人。2019年2月12日,英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)前主管Robert Hannigan在《金融时报》撰文称,英国国家网络安全中心(NCSC)“从未发现有任何证据表明中国政府通过华为开展恶意网络活动”,“关于在5G网络中使用中国技术将带来不可接受的风险的论断是荒谬的”。

Luckily in the UK, there are some cooler heads. Last week on 12 February 2019, Robert Hannigan, former head of UK GCHQ, recently wrote in the Financial Times that NCSC had "never found evidence of malicious Chinese state cyber activity through Huawei" and that any "assertions that any Chinese technology in any part of a 5G network represents an unacceptable risk are nonsense".


I think what's needed is communication, collaboration, and a joint approach to making EVERYTHING more secure.


What do you think?

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